Sign the petition to establish a Minnesota Companion Animal Board

October 08, 2021
Woman walking two dogs in wooded area

Companion animals play a vital role in the lives of Minnesotans. For many, these animals are family members.

The Companion Animal Board (CAB) bill was introduced at the Minnesota state legislature with a goal of creating a state board with specific expertise and skills to lead and respond to issues pertaining to companion animal issues — including health, welfare, and well-being.

The CAB would allow the State of Minnesota to more effectively plan for and respond to the health and welfare needs of companion animals and to the efforts of local communities, citizens, and organizations that care for these animals.

Now more than ever, we need your support for the Minnesota Companion Animal Board Bill.

Two easy ways you can help promote this bill

  1. Sign the petition in support of the bill to establish a Minnesota Companion Animal Board.
  2. Ask your veterinarian to sign the petition in support of the bill, too. 

Your names and stories will be shared with Minnesota legislators, underscoring the importance of companion animals, their well-being through public policy, and the need for a Companion Animal Board.

More than ten states in the US have formed “animal welfare” divisions or entities to administer programs related to animal welfare. Each state varies in who it serves, its programs, and administration of law.

Learn more about the bill and the other Minnesota organizations who are backing it.  

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